Sharon Lim

A little about me

Let's partner to rewrite your health story and kickstart your thyroid into REMISSION!

My Vision

A world where thyroid disease is no longer a hinderance to women living life to the fullest with energy, joy, confidence, and a deep sense of safety & well-being.

My Mission

Empower ambitious women to feel safe in their multi-faceted dynamics of being human, and heal beyond thyroid disease.

My calling is to help women decode their thyroid mysteries. I know what it’s like to suffer from the puzzling issues of thyroid disease because I was diagnosed with autoimmune Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in my twenties.

While I had a fulfilling and EXCITING corporate career in the high-life of the Bay Area, I was secretly battling with so many life-shattering health issues from fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, painful cystic acne, IBS, and more. It was as if my body was breaking down.

While my nutritional mastery is the thyroid territory, I also understand the complexities of being human, and a woman. I strive to empower ambitious women to feel safe in their multi-faceted dynamics of being human, and heal beyond thyroid disease.

With my nutritional background, and first-hand experience as a women with thyroid disease, I help you decode your thyroid mysteries and the complexities of being human. Ultimately, to help you boost energy, stabilize your mood, regulate blood sugar and reclaim your joy.


On her off time, Sharon enjoys exploring new hiking trails and scenery

Sharon loves dogs! she wants 3 of them; we could call her a Certified Dog Lover.

If Sharon was a drink, she would be Matcha!

Education, Credentials, and Partners

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Let's connect

Feel free to give me a call at +1 408.905.6052 if you have any questions.